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CCTV Policy


      The purpose of this Policy is to regulate the management, operation and use of the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system at Cuts4Scruffs Ltd. Cameras are used to monitor activities within the Cuts4Scruffs Ltds salon building and the entrance/pavement directly out front. to identify criminal activity actually occurring, anticipated, or perceived, and for the purpose of securing the safety and well being of Cuts4Scruffs, together with its pet customers, human customers, staff, and visitors.

1.2      CCTV monitoring and recording systems will only be installed in or on Cuts4Scruffs Ltds property when this has been reviewed and approved by the Managing Director.

1.3      The system comprises a number of fixed and fully functional (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) cameras located in buildings viewing internally and externally around the Cuts4Scruffs salon. These are monitored by appropriate personnel.

1.4      Cuts4Scruffs Ltds use of CCTV complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.

1.5      This policy document will be subject to review annually.

1.6      The CCTV system is owned by Cuts4Scruffs Ltd.



2.1      The objectives of the CCTV Policy are to:

(a) Protect Cuts4Scruffs Ltd property/money/assets.

(b) Ensure a secure and safe environment at Cuts4Scruffs Ltd.

(c) Support the Police in a bid to deter and detect crime, by providing evidence in support of an enquiry or prosecution.

(d) Provide evidence for grooming services provided, any injuries caused, complaints from customers or customers/staff behaviour.

(e) Keeping records of deliverys, staff clock in/clock out, visitors etc

(f) Ensuring safety procedures are followed, improving productivity and preventing employee misconduct and customer/visitor crime and disorderly behaviour.



3.1      Management of the system           

3.1.1   All cameras are monitored on the respective site where they operate and by authorised personal on computers/mobiile devices.

3.1.2   The CCTV system will be operated 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

3.1.3   Emergency procedures will be used when it becomes necessary to call the Emergency Services.

3.1.4   Warning signs, as required by the Code of Practice of the Information Commissioner, will be placed at all access routes to areas covered by Cuts4Scruffs Ltd CCTV cameras.


3.2.     System control - Monitoring procedures:

3.2.1    On a regular basis, the managing director will check and confirm the efficiency of the system, ensuring that:

  • the cameras are functional

  • the equipment is properly recording

3.2.2   Access to the CCTV System will be strictly limited to the managing director and specific authorised persons.  Unauthorised persons are not permitted to view live or pre-recorded footage.

3.2.3  Recorded data will only be released to the media for use in the investigation of a specific crime and with the written authority of the police. Recorded data will never be released to the media for purposes of entertainment.


3.3      Exemptions:

3.3.1   The CCTV system is designed to ensure maximum effectiveness and efficiency but it is not possible to guarantee that the system will cover or detect every single incident taking place in the areas of coverage.


3.4      Retention and disposal of material:

Footage will be stored on the system for up to 2 weeks but anything considered important will be saved onto a device permanently or until it is not necessary. 

Footage will also be stored on a device if footage is requested by external agencies in the process of detecting crime and in the prosecution of offenders.




4.1      Rules for retention of data

4.1.1   Any CCTV footage must be kept on the managers directors computer, tablet or mobile devices.


4.2      Dealing with official requests: use of CCTV in relation to criminal investigations:

4.2.1   CCTV recorded images may be viewed by the Police for the prevention and detection of crime, and authorised Cuts4Scruffs Ltd personnel for supervisory purposes, discipline reasons or authorised demonstration and training.

4.2.2   A record will be maintained of the release of CCTV to the Police or other authorised applicants.

4.2.3   Should CCTV be required as evidence, a copy may be released to the Police by the managing director. CCTV will only be released to the Police on the clear understanding that the CCTV remains the property of the Cuts4Scruffs Ltd, and both the CCTV and information contained on it are to be treated in accordance with this policy.

4.2.4  Cuts4Scruffs Ltd retains the right to refuse permission for the Police to pass to any other person the disk or any part of the information contained therein.

4.2.5   Applications received from outside bodies (e.g. solicitors) to view or release disks will be referred to the Managing Director.  In these circumstances CCTV will normally be released where satisfactory documentary evidence is produced showing that they are required for legal proceedings, or in response to a Court Order. A fee can be charged in such circumstances.



5.1      Any breach of the Policy will be initially investigated by the Managing Director in order for him/her to initiate the appropriate disciplinary action.

5.2      Any serious breach of the policy will be immediately investigated and an independent investigation carried out to make recommendations on how to remedy the breach.



6.1      Performance monitoring, including random operating checks, may be carried out by the Managing Director or his/her nominated deputy.


7.         COMPLAINTS

7.1      Any complaints about the CCTV system should be addressed to the Managing Director, Cuts4Scruffs Ltd, 29 Comberton Hill, Kidderminster, DY10 1QN.

7.2      Complaints will be investigated in accordance with Section 5 of this policy.



8.1      The Data Protection Act provides Data Subjects (individuals to whom "personal data" relate) with a right to access data held about themselves, including that obtained by CCTV.

8.2      Requests for information, including Data Subject Access Requests, should be sent to:

The Managing Director, Cuts4Scruffs Ltd, 29 Comberton Hill, Kidderminster, DY10 1QN.

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